Val Meduna Route - Stage 2 - Detour to Tàmar

Val Meduna Route - Stage 2 - Detour to Tàmar

Gps Track

Gps Track

  • Total Length: 2,3 km

Another small detour, with a slight difference in height, links two streams in the valley, the Tarcenò and the Chiarzò.

Walking through the silent woods, you reach Tàmar, one of the most suggestive abandoned hamlets of the Val Tramontina.

Deserted after World War II, it has been revived in recent years with trekking and various cultural activities initiated by local associations; the CAI (Club Alpino Italiano) has also set up a refuge for hikers.

The wide meadows on the outskirts of the village are an ideal place to take a rest… or to see the hundreds of stars at night.



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